Marriage is the most sacred relationship a person can enter into-it’s so close to God’s heart. When we get asked to capture a wedding day, it’s not something we take lightly.

Raw, messy, real life is how I approach capturing families.

heart of the home
We believe in the power of a story, a testimony of where we’ve been, and the sight of where we’re headed. That’s why we decided to create what we call The Heart of the Home sessions.
I’m Kristin
The most important things in life to me are the Lord, my family, friends, and stories. I’m married to one incredible man who loves God, our family, friends, and me so fiercely. We have two boys – Potter and A and a baby girl arriving early next year. My love for taking photos began with stories – everyone has one that deserves to be told and I’m forever grateful for this job that I get to do day in and day out.